Important About “Parents”

Your “parents” are not supposed to yell at you, mock you, etc. for crying. They’re not supposed to FORCE you to tell them what’s wrong if they aren’t the reason you’re crying.

Your “parents” are not supposed to tell you that you’re lying, overreacting, etc. if you bring up that you think you might have a mental illness, physical illness, etc.

Your “parents” are not supposed to tell at you or tell you “I put a roof over your head” or “I feed you” or “oh well” or anything like that if you bring up something that they do that upsets you.

Your “parents” are not supposed to scream and you and punish you fro making mistakes such as breaking dishes, not doing something right, etc.

Your “parents”  are not supposed to guilt you when you’re having a hard time by saying “I have it worse than you do” “you won’t last 30 seconds out in the real world” etc.

Your “parents” are not supposed to yell at you for “talking back” when you were only trying to explain/defend yourself.

All of this is abuse. Parents aren’t supposed to do these things. If you think your parents may be abusing you or you think something is wrong, listen to yourself. Look into abuse. You are not overreacting. Your feelings are valid. If you are being abused, I love you and always remember that you’ll be out of there soon.

School Dress Code Is Wrong

The other day I was talking to a friend about this outfit I was gonna wear to school. He asked me if the dress I was going to wear was dress code… and that of course reminded me of how stupid that thing is. (Well, he brought it up and my mind filled in the rest)

It’s so dumb when a person brings up dress code and someone goes, “it’s a professional atmosphere so you shouldn’t wear that!” Because yea, okay, I get that. And maybe you’re right. But that is not the reason school beards are doing this dress code thing. They basically say it outright- that girls’ bodies are sexual objects that they should be ashamed of, and a girl’s education can be “disrupted” and can get suspensions and made to miss school just because she wore something that might distract some hormonal idiot (be it a student or a teacher). They are indirectly saying that a girl’s educations is not as important as a boy’s.

And yes- I get it that boys get dress coded too, but that’s an extremely rare thing to happen, and I can guarantee you it’s going to be because of something a shirt they’re wearing says… and most of the time they get away with it too! I’ve never seen a guy get sent home over something like that. Plus, they have a choice to wear clothing with profanity or something inappropriate like that if they want to. But have you SEEN the clothing women and girls are supposed to wear nowadays? Do you know how difficult it is to find something halfway decent? All girls’ clothing is almost see-through, “revealing”, and have no pockets. Nothing practical- it’s all just so girls look the way society wants/expects them to look, and then get called a slut, inappropriate, etc. for it.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. When you interrupt a girl’s school day to force her to change clothes or send her home because her shorts/skirt/dress is too short, or her bra strap is visible (ooh so scandalous! Who knew girls have boobs?? Like. Why is a bra STRAP so awful? It’s a fucking boob holder!), You are telling her that making sure boys having a distraction-free learning environment is more important than her education. That boys are more entitled to an education that she is.

Also, did I mention teachers? I did mention teachers earlier. Teachers! Teachers should not be distracted by girls. You know, men are never told that their legs, stomachs, arms, etc. are a problem for other people. They are seen as human beings. And honestly rarely seen as just something there for your sexual exploits. THESE ARE 13-18 YEAR OLDS. IF YOU ARE SEXUALIZING THEM, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. I’m sorry, but dress codes promote rape culture and oppressive objectification towards young women. You know, actually- I’m not sorry. This is just a cold hard fact; a disgusting fact that makes me sick that we live in this kind of society where this sort of thing is acceptable-

So let me end this post with a little story. My freshman year of highschool- I had biology first period. The teacher, Mr. Clarke, was definitely a pedophile. He was constantly standing too close to all the girls, he would lean over their desks to talk to them so he could look down their shirts, he made every single girl in his classes uncomfortable. One day, we were all doing some classwork and well- he was supposedly “working” on his computer, and you could see everything he was looking at on the wall because he forgot to turn the projector off after a lecture. Guess what the whole class saw? He was looking at photographs of girls in bikinis and underwear- barely wearing anything. During school. In class. We all saw it. After class several of the girls went to the principal to tell somebody about it. And you know what happened? Nothing. Nothing was done about it. And to this day that man is still teaching classes to freshman students and constantly making girls uncomfortable.

Now that’s messed up.


“School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports. Because of this, I wasn’t worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave”

-Albert Einstein

The American Education System Is Dumb (Part 1)

Oh- did the title give away too much? I’m sorry if you disagree, this is just how I feel. Wanna know why? Keep reading. Don’t care? Eh. Keep reading anyways. You might learn something.

So stupid. It’s messed up really- this so called American “Education” System. Honestly I’m kind of embarrassed to be a part of it because school just- really, really sucks. I mean, they take this wonderful concept of learning and discovering new things and just completely ruin it with the atmosphere of judgement and suppression of creativity and strict deadlines and basing your entire intelligence on a letter like- Wow. Nice job. You ruined it. And don’t get me started on standardized testing…

It’s just so dumb how they expect each and every child with a different personality, mindset, etc. to somehow be exactly the same and know just as much about one subject or another that they want us to. Like we’re all the same person. That’s like asking a cat, a horse, a monkey, and a fish to all climb a tree and if they can’t, they get put down all the time, degraded, and you make it as difficult as possible for them to eat. THAT is messed up. That’s why school is such a joke.

They put a few hundred kids in each grade who are all different and need personalized education and classes (I mean we’re not drones). and who often dislike each other, and then they deprive them of using the restroom, eating when they get hungry, drinking when they’re thirsty, etc. And expect them to be perfect students. Like, no. It doesn’t work that way. And private school is the exact same thing, but everything is harder- and they also charge money for it.

Now on top of all this, parents punish their children for not doing well in this joke of a school system, and take away their phones, friends, etc. instead of offering to help them or get them help. It’s just so stupid. That doesn’t “help”, all you’re doing is causing them even more distress by taking away something they love until they somehow magically improve.

I hate how people say, “oh you just hate school because you’re a teenager,” because- no. I hate it because I have valid reasons to. And besides, who the hell wants to wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning and go to a place where all you feel is stupid and judged? Yea, that’s what I thought- NO ONE. Okay?

I’m sick and tired of numbers defining me. My GPA, my weight, my SAT score, the number of likes you get on an Instagram photo, the amount of re-tweets you get… these are not who I am.

I knew somebody whose English teacher purposely failed all her seniors for 3rd quarter to scare them all into coming to school and working hard. You know what happened? They got grounded and had anxiety attacks because of it. Some kids probably got beat. Other kids just stopped caring. Teachers should not be allowed to do this. So many of them do this, and as a result- lots of kids end up getting beaten by their legal guardians. Teachers need to think of the consequences of their actions. THIS IS NOT OKAY. There are plenty of ways to teach someone. Demotivating is not teaching, it’s sickening, lazy. and shouldn’t even be thought of.